Samantha Summers Interior Design Studio

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And so it begins...


My name is Samantha Summers and I am an interior designer, entrepreneur, creative daydreamer, antique scavenger, animal lover and mother of two beautiful girls. For years I have been on the fence about doing a blog... should I, shouldn't I? In fact I think Ive had this post as a draft for at least 6 months! One of my favorite things about what I do, is the process. Design is fun!  I love sharing experiences, projects and knowledge so I figure.. why not do the blog? 

This will be a place to journal all of my creative endeavors...a creativity sanctuary of sorts (is that possible). Come back often to see what I am up to, what I am sharing or to perhaps learn some new tips or tricks on how to style that dream space. Have a question or need some help?  I am also always available to chat about your most recent design dilemmas, i'd love to hear from you!
